We’ve talked in the past about the challenges of running a service at the scale of Zenodo in the inhospitable environment of the modern internet. Over the past couple of years, we have experienced an exponential increase in our users, content, and traffic… and we couldn’t be happier that Zenodo is proving useful in so many different ways! For Open Science to flourish, researchers should feel empowered to share their data, software, and every part of their journey of publishing their work. We are proud to have done our part in lowering the barrier to share and preserve.
This year we crossed the threshold of 2 million records, we are closing in on storing our first PetaByte of data, and we’ve reached 15 million annual visits. To keep up with these challenging requirements, our team put their heads together with our colleagues here at the CERN Data Center. Their long-running expertise in handling PBs of data generated from the CERN experiments is one of the reasons why we can offer a reliable service to the world in the first place. Over the past year, we have tweaked and optimized our infrastructure to help solve a variety of scaling and performance issues that we’ve faced.
One of the main culprits for our performance bottlenecks was the way we served files. Our web application was doing all the heavy-lifting, while the number of concurrent connections we needed to serve was increasing. The solution was simple: leave the heavy-lifting to the pros 💪. With the help of our CERN storage team, we now have a dedicated setup for offloading file downloads directly to our EOS storage cluster.
This change also came with a bonus side-effect: Zenodo file downloads now support HTTP Range requests! This means resumable file downloads, as well as the unlocking the possibility for a wide range of applications which depend on accessing small parts of large files (e.g. Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF, Zarr).
Given our high content intake of almost 10k records on a weekly basis, it was natural that web crawlers and indexers had a tough time going through everything without stealing resources from normal users. There are conventions that instruct crawlers to slow down, but unfortunately, not all crawlers respect them. To minimize the impact crawlers have on the rest of the users, we’ve put up a dedicated space that serves them in a machine-friendly fashion. That means that regular users get a performant and snappy experience while browsing our pages, while crawlers still get to index Zenodo at their own pace.
This is of course not the end of the story. We expect Zenodo to continue growing at the same rate and we have many plans to further stabilize and scale our infrastructure. We have closely monitored our database and search cluster performance, and identified points of improvement based on industry best practices. We’re also eager to explore ways to provide cached versions of our pages.
Last, but not least, our efforts in building and rebasing Zenodo on top of InvenioRDM, a turn-key solution for digital repositories, come in the form of a bottom-to-top revamp of our software stack, based on the same pillars that made Zenodo what it is today: a resilient, top-of-the-class user experience, and scalable platform at the service of Open Science.
Cross posted at Dryad
The Dryad and Zenodo teams are proud to announce the launch of our first formal integration. As we’ve noted over the last years, we believe that the best way to support the broad scientific community in publishing their outputs is to leverage each other's strengths and build together. Our plan has always been to find ways to seamlessly connect software publishing and data curation in ways that are both easy enough that the features will be used but also beneficial to the researchers re-using and building on scientific discoveries.This month, we’ve released our first set of features to support exactly that.
Researchers submitting data for curation and publication at Dryad will now have the option to upload code, scripts, and software packages on a new tab “Upload Software”. Anything uploaded here will be sent directly to Zenodo. Researchers will also have the opportunity to select the proper license for their software, as opposed to Dryad’s CC0 license.
Those familiar with Dryad may know that Dryad has a feature to keep datasets private during the peer review period, with a double blind download URL that allows for journal offices and collaborators to access the data prior to manuscript acceptance. Zenodo hosted software will be included in this private URL and will be held from the public until the dataset is ready to be published.
After curation and publication of the dataset, the Dryad and Zenodo outputs are linked publicly on each landing page and indexed with DataCite metadata. Versioning and updating of either package can happen at any time through the Dryad interface.
Throughout our building together, we worked with researchers across scientific disciplines to both test the look and feel of the features but also to understand how data and software are used together. Through conversations with folks at Software Sustainability Institute (SSI), rOpenSci, Research Software Alliance (ReSA), US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) and leaders in the software citation space, we understood that while researchers may not always think of their R or Python scripts as a piece of software, integrations like this are essential to elevate software as a valued, published, and citable output.
This work between the organizations represents a massive win for open science and reproducibility. Besides the lack of incentives to share, a significant source of friction for researchers is the burden of preparing research artifacts for different repositories. By simplifying this process and linking research objects, Dryad and Zenodo are not only making it easier to share code and software, but also dramatically enhancing discoverability and improving data and software citation.
Karthik Ram, Director of rOpenSci & URSSI lead
This release is the first set of features in our path ahead working together to best support our global researcher base. While we are building feature sets around Supporting Information (non-software and non-data files) for journal publishers, we know that this space is evolving quickly and our partnership will respond to both the needs of researchers as well as the development of best practices from software and data initiatives. We will keep the community apprised of our future developments and we are always looking to expand our reach and iterate on what we’ve built. If you believe there are ways that Dryad and Zenodo better support research data and software publishing, please get in touch.
Public institutions who wish to provide top quality data services, but who do not have the capacity to develop or to maintain the necessary infrastructures in-house, often end up procuring solutions from providers of proprietary, commercial services. This happens despite the fact that frequently, the very same public institutions, have strong policies and invest substantial efforts to promote Open Science.
Why does this happen and are there alternative scenarios? What are the challenges from the institutional perspective? Why is it difficult for open source software providers to participate and successfully compete in tenders? And how can we ensure we always keep a range of service options open?
Our intention is to highlight some of the inherent issues of using tender processes to identify open solutions, to discuss alternative routes, and to suggest possible next steps for the community.
Procurement is often the preferred route for selecting new service providers at big public institutions. For example, the European Commission’s public procurement strategy determines thresholds above which it is obligatory to use open procedures for identifying new service providers. This is justified by the principles of transparency, equal treatment, open competition, sound procedural management and the need to put public funds to good use1. Hence, the legal teams at public institutions often perceive public procurement as the default option. Public procurement, however, often unintentionally blocks pathways to open solutions, favouring corporate providers of proprietary software.
First, to ensure an equal and fair process, everything needs to be measured. For example, what does usability mean and what level is good enough? What is sufficient service availability? How is it going to be measured? With the emphasis on numbers and legal frameworks, there is little place for open science values and the importance of aligning with missions and visions.
In addition, to facilitate competition, legal teams at public institutions sometimes question requirements or preferences, which seem to them too specific, or which might limit the number of parties able to respond to a tender. This might sometimes put smaller initiatives, with innovative or niche solutions at disadvantage.
Teams going through the tender preparation are often faced with confidentiality clauses. They are intended to make the process fair and equal to everyone. This, however, can make communication for clarifications and scoping with prospective providers (or sometimes even with colleagues within the same department!) challenging. It also means that it might not be possible to communicate with the unsuccessful applicants why their bids were not successful and what areas of their application could have been improved. And it might prevent the sharing of lessons across the sector which is hugely valuable to prevent other institutions falling into the same pitfalls.
Last, small institutional teams at libraries or IT departments who are tasked with finding new services for research data often lack the necessary experience and expertise in procuring solutions. Yet, suddenly they are faced with discussions with legal experts, legal jargon and lengthy documents they are often unfamiliar with and unsure how to tackle, or how to effectively explain what is needed.
Providers of open source software, or providers of open services built on open software, are usually fully focused and resourced to simply do specifically that! They are rarely embedded in a larger unit that can market, tender or legally draft/validate responses. They either rely on upfront agreements for expanded functionality or scope where the resources are provided to effect the change, or third parties to offer the service selling and instantiation for specific needs. Hence when they see the needs of a new institute expressed in a tender document, they can often spot an easy match to their current or slightly extended functionality, but can't afford to speculate resources on trying to compete in an administrative process.
The odds are low since they often will not have necessary documentation and proofs required in a typical tender process, particularly in an international context. They are unlikely to have the minimum income/turnover, or reference sites, or certifications typically demanded. They may be excluded from tenders merely on the basis of not having a VAT number in a given country, or turnover in a given currency, or for not having been in existence for sufficient years, or not charging enough for the service. They are focused on what they do well, and often much above the level tendered for, but without the means to guarantee it. Hence, providers of open source software, or providers of open services built on open software perceive tenders as stacked against them.
Much of the challenge simply comes from open source projects being smaller organisations without dedicated personnel to perform compliance and legal work. Additionally, they aren't able to take and absorb as much risk. Tender processes often involve several types of statements to ensure against certain types of risks. While bigger organisations can absorb such risk, or litigate if needed, smaller organisations don’t have that capacity.
However, this does not at all mean that they are riskier. The paperwork required does not in fact ensure the organisation proposing the tender against risk, it only has some paperwork to show that it tried. Big organisations can default on their obligations as often as smaller ones. In fact, large organisations may even make the choice to do this without significant negative impact, or decide to change focus. Smaller organisations on the other hand, are committed to that primary purpose as the core of their operations and are able to be more responsive and connected with the client.
There is always risk involved in any relationship or process, but the requirements of the tender process does not in fact alleviate that risk, creating more risk mitigation theatre than actual risk reduction.
There are many different service delivery models that can be explored. Some of these may not fit a tender exercise, so it’s best to consider all routes first and chat to potential service providers before deciding which avenue to progress.
One challenge may be in convincing institutional boards that the university’s typical model for engaging external contractors may not be suitable and could limit the options of who can respond. Exploring some of these alternative models and the relative costs and benefits (e.g. supporting open scholarly infrastructures) is worthwhile.
There are clearly a number of challenges facing research institutions and service providers alike. Everybody wants an open competition where everybody is fairly evaluated on their relative strengths, however the prevalent methods for assessing service options and choosing a provider do not always facilitate this. How can we change the status quo and ensure we keep all options open?
Much discussion between institutions and service providers is needed to align needs and visions, especially as tender processes will involve a far wider range of stakeholders who may not have an awareness of the service being procured and what matters in terms of delivery. We hope to provide a forum to explore some of these points in the “Delivering RDM services” workshop which will run adjacent to the RDA plenary in November.
If we want to keep our options open, we need to share experiences and collectively define a more flexible procedure for commissioning our scholarly infrastructure.
Public procurement within the European Union: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/public-procurement_en#:~:text=To%20create%20a%20level%20playing,purchase%20goods%2C%20works%20and%20services↩